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Jackson-Triggs Chardonnay

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$12.95 750 mL Bottle
12% ABV / Canada / Jackson-Triggs Winery

Jackson-Triggs's series of domestic and international blends has long been a favourite in the Ontario market. This medium-bodied Chardonnay shows typical varietal character, expressing aromas and flavours of apple, citrus, nuts and smoke. It is perfect for pairing with butternut squash soup or roasted chicken.

Tasting Notes

Pale straw colour; light vanilla/oak & fruit aroma; ripe apple in flavour, dry wine with a touch of spice in the finish.

Serving Suggestion

Chicken souvlaki


Chardonnay, Chardonnay Blend, D - Dry, Light & Crisp, Other, White Wine, Wine, XD - Extra Dry

Jackson-Triggs Chardonnay Info

Sugar Content: 7 g/L
Sweetness: XD - Extra Dry
Manufacturer: Jackson-Triggs Winery
Stores: LCBO
Availability: Check

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