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Inama I Palchi Grande Cuvée Foscarino Soave Classico 2021

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$79.95 750 mL Bottle
12.5% ABV / Veneto, Italy /

Wow. This is fantastic with mangoes, lemons, pears and hints of vanilla. Mineral, too. It's full-bodied with bright fruit and a vivid finish. Lots of minerals. A selection of the best grapes of Inama in the grand cru Foscarino. Much less use of barrels than in the past with large casks and stainless. Superb. Drink or hold [into the early 2030s]. Score - 97. (, Nov. 28, 2023)



Inama I Palchi Grande Cuvée Foscarino Soave Classico 2021 Info

Sugar Content: 2 g/L
Stores: LCBO
Availability: Check

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