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Türk Eiswein Vom Grüner Veltliner 2018

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$41.60 375 mL Bottle
8% ABV / Niederösterreich, Austria / Weingut Türk Gmbh

Honeyed, heady intensity on the nose is embedded in candied lemon zestiness and has a smattering of white pepper. That pepperiness stays wonderfully constant and thrills alongside the luminous lemon purity. What a triumph! What intensity! What laser freshness! Incredible. Score - 97. (Anne Krebiehl, MW, Wine Enthusiast, Dec. 1, 2020)


Dessert Wine, Grüner Veltliner, Lusciously Sweet, S - Sweet, Specialty Wine, Wine

Türk Eiswein Vom Grüner Veltliner 2018 Info

Sugar Content: 199 g/L
Sweetness: S - Sweet
Manufacturer: Weingut Türk Gmbh
Stores: LCBO
Availability: Check

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